Can I Get a Novated Lease if I Already Own a Car?

novated lease existing car

If you already own a car but are considering the benefits of a novated lease, you might wonder if it's still an option. The good news is that owning a car doesn't disqualify you from taking advantage of a novated lease. In fact, a novated lease can offer substantial benefits, even if you have an existing car.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to secure a novated lease with an existing car, highlighting the advantages and providing practical steps to make the transition smooth and beneficial.

Understanding Novated Leases

A novated lease is a three-way agreement between you, your employer, and a leasing company. It's a salary packaging arrangement where your employer makes lease payments on your behalf using your pre-tax salary, which can result in significant tax savings. This setup allows you to enjoy a new or used vehicle with reduced financial strain and simplified management of running costs.

At its core, a novated lease involves the following parties:

  1. Employee (You): You select the car you want to lease.

  2. Employer: Your employer agrees to make the lease payments on your behalf.

  3. Leasing Company: They provide the vehicle and handle the leasing agreement.

How It Works

When you enter into a novated lease, your chosen vehicle is leased from the leasing company. Your employer then deducts the lease payments from your pre-tax salary, reducing your taxable income. This arrangement can lead to significant tax benefits, making a novated lease attractive.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how a novated lease works:

  • Choose Your Car: Select a new or used vehicle that suits your needs.

  • Lease Agreement: Enter into a lease agreement with the leasing company.

  • Salary Sacrifice: Your employer deducts the lease payments from your pre-tax salary.

  • Running Costs: Maintenance, insurance, and other running costs are often included in the lease package, simplifying vehicle management.


A novated lease offers several advantages, even if you have an existing car:

  • Tax Savings: By reducing your taxable income, you can save on taxes.

  • Convenience: All vehicle-related expenses are bundled into one monthly payment, making budgeting easier.

  • Upgrades: Opportunity to drive a newer or more advanced vehicle than you might afford through a traditional car loan.

Can You Get a Novated Lease if You Already Own a Car?

The short answer is yes, you can still get a novated lease if you own a car. Owning a car does not affect your eligibility for a novated lease, and you have several options to make the most of this opportunity. Here's how you can navigate the process.


Whether you own a car or not, you are eligible for a novated lease as long as your employer offers salary packaging options and agrees to participate in the novated lease arrangement. This means that your current vehicle ownership status is not a barrier to accessing the benefits of a novated lease.

Options for Your Existing Car

When considering a novated lease, you have a few options for your existing car:

  • Sell Your Current Car:

You can sell your vehicle and use the proceeds for lease payments or other financial goals. This is a popular option for those who want to reduce vehicle-related expenses.

  • Keep It as a Secondary Vehicle:

If your existing car is still in good condition and suits your needs, you might prefer to keep it as a secondary vehicle. This can be especially useful for families needing multiple cars.

  • Trade It In:

Some leasing companies allow you to trade in your current car as part of the novated lease agreement. This can help reduce the cost of your new lease and simplify the transition process.

Financial Considerations

When deciding to transition from owning a car to obtaining a novated lease, it's essential to evaluate the financial implications carefully. Here, we'll explore key factors to consider, ensuring you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals.

Cost Comparison

Ownership Costs:

Owning a car involves several recurring expenses, including:

  • Maintenance and Repairs: Regular servicing and unexpected repairs can add up over time.

  • Insurance: Premiums may vary based on your vehicle's age, make, and model.

  • Registration and Licensing: Annual costs that contribute to the overall expense of vehicle ownership.

  • Depreciation: The loss in your car's value over time can impact its resale value.

Leasing Costs

A novated lease bundles many expenses into a single monthly payment:

  • Lease Payments: Deducted from your pre-tax salary, potentially reducing your taxable income.

  • Running Costs: These are often included in the lease package, covering maintenance, insurance, registration, and more.

  • Residual Value: The estimated value of the car at the end of the lease term, which can influence your lease payments.


Monthly Payments:

One of the significant advantages of a novated lease is the predictability of monthly expenses. Your lease payments, typically deducted from your pre-tax salary, can help streamline your budget and provide clearer financial planning.

Impact on Disposable Income:

Since lease payments are made pre-tax, your take-home pay will be affected. Calculating how much disposable income you will have after the lease payments and other deductions is crucial. Ensure that this arrangement fits within your overall financial plan.

End-of-Lease Options:

You must pay the full balloon payment at the end of the lease term.

Depreciation and Resale Value

Depreciation Impact:

New cars generally depreciate faster than used cars. With a novated lease, the impact of depreciation is often factored into your lease payments. This means you won't have to worry about the significant value loss of owning a new car.

Resale Value:

If you choose to keep your current car and enter into a novated lease, consider the potential resale value of your existing vehicle. Now, selling or trading in your car could provide additional funds to support your lease payments or other financial needs.

Process of Transitioning to a Novated Lease

Transitioning to a novated lease when you own a car involves a series of straightforward steps. Understanding this process can help you make an informed decision and seamlessly integrate the benefits of a novated lease into your financial plan.

Initial Steps

Evaluate Your Needs:

Start by assessing your current and future vehicle needs. Consider factors like the type of vehicle you want, your driving habits, and any specific requirements you might have. This evaluation will guide you in choosing a vehicle for the novated lease.

Research Leasing Companies:

Look for reputable leasing companies that offer novated lease options. Compare their offerings, terms, and customer reviews to find the best fit for your needs. A good leasing company will provide transparent information and support throughout the leasing process.

Consult Your Employer:

Discuss the novated lease option with your employer's HR or payroll department. Ensure they offer salary packaging and are willing to facilitate the novated lease arrangement. This step is crucial, as your employer's involvement is necessary for the salary sacrifice arrangement.


Prepare Required Documents:

Gather all necessary documentation for the leasing process. This typically includes:

  • Proof of Identity: Valid ID, such as a driver's license or passport.

  • Employment Details: Employment contract or recent payslips.

  • Financial Information: Details of your income, expenses, and financial commitments.

Lease Application:

Complete the lease application form provided by the leasing company. Ensure all details are accurate and up-to-date to avoid delays in processing your application.

Vehicle Selection:

Choose the vehicle you wish to lease. Depending on your preferences and the options available from the leasing company, this can be a new or used car.

Employer Involvement

Salary Sacrifice Agreement:

Your employer must sign a salary sacrifice agreement with the leasing company. This agreement outlines the terms of the salary packaging arrangement, including the deduction of lease payments from your pre-tax salary.

Payroll Adjustments:

Your employer's payroll department will adjust your salary to reflect the pre-tax lease payments. This adjustment reduces your taxable income, allowing you to benefit from the tax savings associated with a novated lease.

Finalising the Lease

Lease Approval:

Once all documentation is submitted and the salary sacrifice agreement is in place, the leasing company will review and approve your lease application.

Vehicle Delivery:

After approval, the leasing company will arrange for the delivery of your chosen vehicle and provide details on the included services, such as maintenance, insurance, and registration.

Ongoing Management:

The leasing company will manage the vehicle's running costs throughout the lease term, ensuring that maintenance, insurance, and other expenses are covered. This comprehensive management simplifies vehicle ownership and provides peace of mind.

Are you ready to explore the benefits of a novated lease even if you own a car? Contact Novated Finance Australia today to discuss your options and start enjoying the convenience and tax savings of a novated lease.

Frequently Asked Question

  • You can still get a novated lease if you own a car. Your current vehicle ownership does not affect your eligibility for a novated lease.

  • You have several options:

    1. Sell your current car.

    2. Keep it as a secondary vehicle.

    3. Trade it as part of your novated lease agreement.

  • A novated lease reduces your taxable income because lease payments are made from your pre-tax salary, potentially resulting in significant tax savings.

  • A novated lease can offer tax savings, predictable monthly expenses, and bundled running costs, making it financially advantageous compared to traditional car ownership.


Top 5 Factors That Can Impact Your Novated Lease


Top 10 Reasons to Consider a Novated Lease | Novated Finance Australia