Top 5 Factors That Can Impact Your Novated Lease

novated lease impact

Novated leasing is an attractive option for many employees. It offers the convenience of a company car and the potential for tax savings.

However, various factors can significantly impact your benefits from a novated lease. Understanding these factors is crucial for making informed decisions and maximising the advantages of your lease.

Here are the top five factors that can impact your novated lease.

Salary and Tax Bracket

Your gross salary and tax bracket play a crucial role in determining the financial benefits of a novated lease.

  • Tax Savings: Novated leases can reduce your taxable income because lease payments are made from your pre-tax salary. This can lead to significant tax savings, especially for those in higher tax brackets.

  • Disposable Income: While you save on taxes, it's essential to consider how the lease payments impact your disposable income. Ensure that the reduced post-tax salary still meets your financial needs.


  • Tax Rates: Understand the current tax rates and how they apply to your income level.

  • Budgeting: Factor in the lease payments when budgeting to avoid financial strain.

Lease Term and Residual Value

The duration of your novated lease affects the overall cost and benefits.

  • Shorter Terms: Typically have higher monthly payments but lower interest costs over the life of the lease.

  • Longer Terms: Offer lower monthly payments but can result in higher overall interest costs.

Residual Value: This is the car's value at the end of the lease term, impacting your final financial liability.

  • High Residual Value: Means lower lease payments and less depreciation, but the car might be more expensive to purchase at the end of the lease.

  • Low Residual Value: Can result in higher lease payments but a lower purchase price if you decide to buy the car.


  • Optimal Term: Choose a lease term that balances your monthly budget and overall interest costs.

  • Market Trends: Stay informed about the car's projected residual value based on market trends.

Vehicle Choice and Depreciation

The type of vehicle you select impacts the cost and benefits of your novated lease.

  • Depreciation Rates: Different vehicles depreciate at varying rates. Vehicles that hold their value better can reduce your overall costs.

  • Fuel Efficiency and Maintenance: Consider the running costs, including fuel efficiency and maintenance expenses, which can affect your overall savings.


  • Research: Investigate vehicles with low depreciation rates and high reliability.

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Weigh the initial costs against potential long-term savings from lower depreciation and maintenance costs.

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

Fringe Benefits Tax applies to benefits received from your employer that aren't part of your salary, including novated leases.

  • FBT Calculation: FBT is calculated based on the car's value and usage, impacting the overall cost of your novated lease.

  • FBT Methods: Different methods for calculating FBT exist, such as the Statutory Method and the Operating Cost Method, each with its implications.


  • FBT Optimisation: Understand the different FBT calculation methods and choose the one that offers the most significant tax benefits.

  • Usage Tracking: Maintain accurate records of vehicle usage to optimise FBT calculations.

Employment Status and Job Security

Your employment status and job security are critical for a novated lease arrangement.

  • Job Changes: Changing jobs can complicate your lease arrangement, as the lease is tied to your employer.

  • Unemployment Risk: If you lose your job, you may be responsible for the remaining lease payments without the benefit of salary packaging.


  • Contract Flexibility: Look for lease agreements that offer flexibility in case of employment changes.

  • Financial Cushion: Ensure you have a financial cushion to cover lease payments in case of job loss.

Wrapping Up

Understanding these factors is essential for anyone considering a novated lease. By carefully evaluating your salary and tax bracket, lease term and residual value, vehicle choice and depreciation, FBT implications, and employment status, you can make informed decisions that maximise the benefits of your novated lease. Proper planning and research will help you navigate the complexities of novated leasing and ensure it aligns with your financial goals.

Ready to get the most out of your novated lease? Contact Novated Finance Australia today and let our experts guide you. Maximise your tax savings and enjoy the benefits of a novated lease tailored to your needs. Get in touch now!

Frequently Asked Question

  • A novated lease reduces your taxable income because the lease payments are made from your pre-tax salary, potentially lowering your overall tax liability.

  • If you change jobs, you must arrange to transfer the novated lease to your new employer. If this isn't possible, you may need to take over the lease payments yourself.

  • While you can generally choose any vehicle, selecting one with low depreciation and maintenance costs is wise to maximise the lease's financial benefits.

  • FBT on a novated lease is calculated based on the car's value and usage. Different methods are used for calculating FBT, so it's important to choose the one that provides the most tax benefit.

  • When choosing the term of your novated lease, consider the balance between monthly payments, overall interest costs, and the vehicle's residual value at the end of the lease term.


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