Setting Up Novated Lease in Your Business: A Step-by-Step Guide for Employers

Navigating employee benefits can be challenging, but integrating a novated lease program can provide significant advantages for employers and employees. As a novated lease employer, you can offer a cost-effective, attractive benefit that enhances job satisfaction and retention. 

This guide will help you set up a new lease in your business, from initial considerations to ongoing management, ensuring a smooth implementation and maximising the benefits for your organisation and your team.

Initial Considerations

Assessing Feasibility

Before setting up a novated lease program, it's crucial to evaluate whether it's suitable for your business. Start by considering the size of your workforce and the diversity of their needs. 

A novated lease employer must ensure that the program will benefit a significant portion of their employees. Assess the financial implications for your business, including potential tax benefits and administrative costs. 

It's also essential to consider the types of vehicles your employees are likely to prefer and whether your organisation can support the logistical aspects of managing a fleet.

Employee Interest

Understanding your employees' interest in a novated lease program is vital. Conduct surveys or hold focus group discussions to gauge interest levels and gather feedback. This step will help you tailor the program to meet their needs effectively. If many employees express interest, it's a good indication that the program will be well-received and utilised.

Consultation with Financial Advisors

Engage with financial advisors to understand the financial and tax implications of implementing a novated lease program. Advisors can help you navigate the complexities of salary packaging, ensure compliance with tax laws, and optimise the program for maximum benefit. They can also assist in setting up a budget and forecasting the program's impact on your business finances.

Choosing a Novated Lease Provider

Research Providers

Selecting the right novated lease provider is crucial to the program's success. As a novated lease employer, you should look for providers with a solid reputation and extensive experience. Research various providers, read reviews, and ask for recommendations from other businesses that have successfully implemented similar programs.

Comparing Packages

Not all novated lease packages are created equal. Compare the features and services offered by different providers. Key aspects to consider include the range of vehicles available, the flexibility of lease terms, the support services offered (such as maintenance and insurance), and the ease of administration. Some providers may offer added benefits like fuel cards, roadside assistance, and comprehensive vehicle management services.

Negotiating Terms

Once you've shortlisted potential providers, negotiate the terms to ensure you get the best deal for your business and your employees. Discuss aspects such as lease rates, service fees, and the scope of included services. Effective negotiation can lead to more favourable terms, reducing costs and enhancing the overall attractiveness of the program for your employees.

Setting Up the Novated Lease Program

Internal Policy Development

Creating clear policies and procedures is essential for smoothly implementing the novated lease program. Develop a comprehensive policy document that outlines eligibility criteria, the application process, and the responsibilities of both the employer and employees. Include details on how the lease payments will be deducted from salaries and how to handle end-of-lease scenarios.

Communication Strategy

A well-planned communication strategy is vital for the successful rollout of the novated lease program. As an employer, you must ensure all employees know the program's benefits. Use multiple communication channels, such as emails, intranet announcements, and informational meetings.

Legal and Compliance

Work with your legal team or external advisors to review all aspects of the novated lease program. Ensure that all agreements and documents comply with relevant legislation, and keep abreast of any changes in tax laws that might affect the program. Proper compliance will protect your business from potential legal issues and financial penalties.

Implementing the Novated Lease

Enrolling Employees

The enrollment process should be straightforward and efficient. Provide employees with clear instructions on how to apply for the novated lease program. Develop a user-friendly application form and offer support to guide them through the process. 

As a novated lease employer, you may also want to provide one-on-one consultations to help employees choose the best vehicle and lease options for their needs.

Documentation and Agreements

Ensure all necessary paperwork and agreements are completed accurately. This includes the novation agreement between the employer, the employee, and the lease provider and any additional documentation required for salary packaging.

Payroll Adjustments

Setting up salary packaging arrangements in the payroll system is a critical step. Work with your payroll department or service provider to integrate the novated lease payments into the salary structure. 

Ensure that deductions are correctly calculated and reflected in employees' pay slips. Regularly review the payroll setup to ensure accuracy and compliance with tax regulations.

Ongoing Management

Monitoring and Reporting

Regular monitoring and reporting are essential for successfully managing the novated lease program. Track key metrics such as employee participation rates, cost savings, and overall satisfaction. 

Use this data to make informed decisions about potential improvements to the program. Periodic reporting to senior management will also help demonstrate the program's value to the business.

Employee Support

Providing ongoing support to employees is crucial. Establish a dedicated support team or point of contact to address any questions or issues. Offer regular training sessions and update employees on any changes to the program. As a novated lease employer, you should ensure employees have a positive experience throughout their lease term.

Feedback Mechanisms

Implement feedback mechanisms to improve the novated lease program continuously. Use surveys, feedback forms, and one-on-one discussions to gather insights. Act on the feedback received to enhance the program's effectiveness and address any concerns promptly.

Ready to streamline your employee benefits with a novated lease program?

Novated Finance Australia can help you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn how we can help you manage a successful novated lease program tailored to your business needs. 

Frequently Asked Question

  • Novated leasing can offer tax savings, improved employee retention, and enhanced job satisfaction, making it an attractive benefit for employers.

  • A novated lease involves a three-way agreement between the employer, employee, and lease provider, where lease payments are made through salary packaging.

  • Assess feasibility and employee interest and consult with financial advisors to understand the financial and tax implications before setting up the program.

  • Research providers, compare packages, and negotiate terms to select a reputable provider that offers the best deal for your business and employees.


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