Choosing the Best Novated Lease Company in Australia

best novated lease company

As the popularity of novated leases continues to grow in Australia, many individuals are discovering the tax-effective benefits of financing a vehicle through this method. However, choosing the best novated lease company is crucial to maximising these benefits and avoiding potential pitfalls. 

This guide provides the essential factors to consider, ensuring you select the best novated lease company in Australia for your needs.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Novated Lease Company

Selecting the best novated lease company requires careful evaluation of several critical factors. Here's what you should consider to make an informed choice:

Reputation and Reviews

The reputation of a novated lease company can provide insight into the quality of service you can expect. Research customer reviews on platforms like Google Reviews, ProductReview, and dedicated automotive forums. 

Look for patterns in the feedback: consistent positive reviews about customer service, transparency, and overall satisfaction are good indicators of a reliable company. Conversely, be wary of companies with numerous complaints about hidden fees, poor communication, or unfulfilled promises.

Range of Services

Another vital factor is a comprehensive range of services. The best novated lease company will offer more than just the lease itself. Look for companies that provide end-to-end services, including vehicle sourcing, lease management, maintenance packages, insurance options, and fuel cards. These additional services can save you time and money, making the leasing process more convenient and beneficial.

Customer Support

Excellent customer support is essential when dealing with complex financial products like novated leases. The best novated lease companies are known for their responsive, knowledgeable, and helpful customer service teams. They should be available to answer your questions, address any concerns, and assist you throughout the lease term. 

Test the customer support by reaching out with a few queries before making your decision; this will give you a feel for their responsiveness and willingness to help.


Understanding the fee structure of a novated lease company is crucial to avoid unexpected costs. Typical fees may include establishment fees, ongoing management fees, and early termination charges. Request a detailed breakdown of all potential fees from each company you're considering. 

Compare these costs carefully, and look for hidden charges that could inflate your total expenses. Transparency in fee structures is a hallmark of the best novated lease companies.


Flexibility in lease terms and conditions can significantly improve your leasing experience. The best novated lease companies offer options such as early termination, lease transferability, and customisable lease terms to suit your individual needs. This flexibility can be particularly important if your circumstances change during the lease term, such as a job change or an unexpected need to terminate the lease early.

Extras and Benefits

Additional benefits provided by the novated lease company can enhance your overall experience. These might include maintenance packages, roadside assistance, and discounts on fuel or insurance. Assess the value of these extras and how they align with your needs. Companies that offer valuable add-ons can provide more convenience and cost savings over the life of your lease.

How to Make Your Final Decision?

After researching and comparing the top novated lease companies, you might still find it challenging to decide. Here are some practical steps to help you choose the best novated lease company for your specific needs.

Personal Needs Assessment

Start by identifying your specific requirements and preferences. Consider factors such as the type of vehicle you want, your budget, and how you plan to use the vehicle. Are you looking for a family car, a work vehicle, or something else? Understanding your needs will help you narrow the options and focus on companies meeting those requirements.

Contacting Companies

Once you've shortlisted a few potential novated lease providers, it's time to contact them. Contact their customer support teams with any questions or concerns you have. This interaction will give you a sense of their responsiveness and willingness to assist. Ask about their fee structures, services, and any special offers or discounts they might have.

Questions to Ask

When contacting novated lease companies, have a list of questions ready. Here are some important ones to consider:

  • What services are included in the lease package?

  • Are there any additional fees I should be aware of?

  • What options are available if I need to terminate the lease early?

  • Can I transfer the lease if I change jobs?

  • What maintenance and support services are included?

Trial Periods and Reviews

Some novated lease companies may offer trial periods or introductory offers. Take advantage of these opportunities to test their services and see if they meet your expectations. Additionally, seek recommendations from current users or colleagues with novated leasing experience. 

Novated Finance Australia: The Top Novated Lease Company in Australia

Novated Finance Australia consistently ranks among the country's top novated lease providers. Known for our transparency, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer service, we offer a wide range of services to meet our clients' needs. 

Our comprehensive packages include vehicle sourcing, lease management, maintenance options, and insurance. Customers often highlight our straightforward fee structures and responsive support team, making us a reliable choice for those new to novated leasing or looking for a hassle-free experience.

Ready to experience the benefits of novated leasing with a trusted provider? Contact Novated Finance Australia today for transparent pricing, exceptional customer service, and comprehensive leasing solutions tailored to your needs. Get started now and drive away with confidence.

Frequently Asked Question

  • The most important factor is the company's reputation and customer reviews, as they indicate the quality of service and customer satisfaction.

  • Hidden costs can exist, so requesting a detailed breakdown of all fees, including establishment, management, and early termination charges, is crucial.

  • Switching companies mid-lease is generally challenging and may incur additional fees. It's best to research and choose the right provider initially thoroughly.

  • If you change jobs, your lease can usually be transferred to your new employer, who agrees to the novation agreement terms.


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