Self-Managed vs Fully-Maintained Novated Lease: Which is Right for You?

Self-managed novated lease

When it comes to acquiring a vehicle through your workplace, novated leases offer a tax-effective and convenient option. However, choosing between a self-managed novated lease and a fully maintained novated lease can be complex, with each type offering distinct advantages and responsibilities. 

This article will explore the key differences between the two, helping you to navigate your options and make an informed decision that aligns with your personal and financial circumstances.

Self-Managed Novated Leases

In a self-managed novated lease vs. fully maintained novated lease comparison, the self-managed option stands out for its requirement of active involvement from the lessee. 

Choosing a self-managed novated lease means you take on the responsibility of handling almost all aspects of the leasing process, from the initial vehicle procurement to its ongoing maintenance and management.

A self-managed novated lease allows you to independently manage your vehicle's financing, insurance, and operational costs. This hands-on approach is ideal for individuals who are experienced in financial planning and prefer direct oversight over their expenses. 

Key responsibilities include:

  • Vehicle Selection and Finance: You are responsible for selecting the vehicle and securing finance. This involves negotiating with dealers and lenders to obtain favourable terms.

  • Insurance and Maintenance: Arranging comprehensive insurance coverage and ensuring the vehicle is maintained according to manufacturer specifications falls under your purview.

  • Cost Management: You must budget for and manage all running costs, including fuel, maintenance, and insurance claims, ensuring they fit within your agreed lease structure.

Steps to Setup

Setting up a self-managed novated lease involves several detailed steps, which include:

  1. Choosing a Financier: Select a financier who agrees to the terms of a novated lease.

  2. Vehicle Procurement: After securing finance, negotiate and purchase your vehicle.

  3. Paperwork and Documentation: Coordinate with your employer and financier to complete all necessary novated lease agreements and insurance documentation.

  4. Maintenance Schedule: Establish a maintenance schedule that adheres to the vehicle manufacturer's guidelines to maintain warranty and vehicle efficiency.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros:

    • Cost Savings: Lower overall costs by shopping around for finance and insurance options.

    • Control Over Services: Freedom to choose service providers and manage expenses directly can lead to savings and personalised service.

  • Cons:

    • Time-Consuming: Managing a lease requires a significant time investment to handle documentation, maintenance, and financial tracking.

    • Complex Financial Management: You need a good understanding of financial management to ensure costs are covered and budgeted correctly.

Fully-Maintained Novated Leases

When comparing a self-managed novated lease vs. a fully maintained novated lease, the fully maintained option is distinguished by the comprehensive services it provides, minimising the lessee's responsibilities. 

This type of lease is particularly attractive to those who prefer a hassle-free approach to vehicle management, where a professional leasing company handles all aspects of the vehicle's maintenance and administration.

A fully-maintained novated lease includes all services related to the vehicle's operation under one agreement. The leasing company takes responsibility for the administrative tasks and maintenance, making it a convenient option for busy individuals. 

Services typically included are:

  • Vehicle Sourcing and Financing: The leasing company assists in selecting and financing the vehicle, often obtaining better terms due to their purchasing power and industry connections.

  • Maintenance and Repairs: Regular maintenance, repairs, and servicing are scheduled and managed by the leasing company, adhering to manufacturer standards to maintain warranty coverage.

  • Insurance and Accident Management: Comprehensive insurance and accident management are arranged, ensuring seamless coverage and support in case of an incident.


Choosing a fully-maintained novated lease brings several benefits:

  • Simplified Budgeting: Costs associated with the vehicle, such as maintenance, insurance, and fuel, are consolidated into one regular payment, simplifying budget management.

  • Time Savings: The leasing company handles all negotiations, paperwork, and ongoing maintenance, saving you time and reducing stress.

  • Tax and Cost Efficiency: Potential savings on GST and income tax reductions due to pre-tax financing arrangements.

Pros and Cons

  • Pros:

    • Convenience: All aspects of vehicle management are taken care of, from paperwork to maintenance.

    • Predictable Costs: Expenses are predictable with a fixed monthly payment, which includes nearly all vehicle-related costs.

    • Support and Coverage: Extensive support for maintenance and unexpected issues, including access to a network of service providers.

  • Cons:

    • Higher Costs: While offering convenience, the management fees and possibly higher interest rates can make this option more expensive than self-managed leases.

    • Less Control: Lessees have limited control over the leasing company's choice of services and providers.

Financial Implications

Understanding the financial implications of a self-managed novated lease vs. a fully maintained novated lease is crucial for making an informed decision that aligns with one's financial goals and lifestyle.

Tax Benefits

Both lease options offer potential tax benefits, which can significantly affect your take-home pay and overall financial planning. 

With a fully-maintained novated lease, a portion of the vehicle costs, including lease payments, are deducted from your pre-tax salary, which may reduce your taxable income. 

Self-managed leases also provide tax benefits, although the management and reporting responsibilities rest with you, requiring meticulous financial documentation and planning.

Budgeting for Costs

The predictability of costs in a fully-maintained lease can simplify personal budgeting. All expenses related to the vehicle are rolled into a single, regular payment, making it easier to manage finances without unexpected costs. 

In contrast, self-managed leases require you to budget independently for all related expenses, which can vary monthly based on actual vehicle use and maintenance needs.

Impact on Take-home Salary

The impact on your take-home salary is a significant consideration. While both leasing options involve pre-tax deductions, the nature of these deductions can vary. 

Fully-maintained leases may result in a smoother financial experience with consistent deductions. In contrast, self-managed leases might offer lower initial costs but require more active management of expenses and reimbursements.

Wrapping Up

As we've navigated the intricacies of self-managed versus fully-maintained novated leases, it's evident that the right choice hinges on individual preferences for financial control, convenience, and lifestyle alignment. 

Whether you prefer the autonomy and potential savings of a self-managed lease or the comprehensive support and simplicity of a fully maintained lease, both paths offer distinct advantages that cater to different needs and financial strategies. 

Carefully assess your personal and financial circumstances, consider the long-term impacts of each option, and consult with a financial advisor to ensure that your decision optimises your financial health and aligns with your daily life and career objectives. 

Ready to simplify your car ownership? Choose a fully-maintained Novated Lease with Novated Finance Australia and enjoy hassle-free vehicle management.

Frequently Asked Question

  • When considering a "self-managed novated lease vs. fully-maintained novated lease," the initial steps include:

    Assessing your financial situation.

    Understanding your vehicle needs.

    Deciding how much time you can dedicate to managing the lease.

    It's also advisable to consult with a financial advisor to understand each lease type's tax implications and benefits.

  • To determine the cost-effectiveness of a self-managed lease vs. a fully-maintained lease, calculate the total cost of vehicle ownership under each option, including hidden costs like time spent on management or potential service fees. Consider how each option aligns with your financial goals and lifestyle needs.

  • Switching between lease types can be possible, but it depends on the terms set by your employer and the leasing company. It is important to review your lease agreement for flexibility options and discuss any desired changes with your employer or leasing provider.

  • When choosing a fully maintained novated lease, look for a leasing company that offers transparent pricing, a wide network of service providers, excellent customer support, and positive reviews. Ensure they provide detailed breakdowns of what is included in the management fee to avoid unexpected costs.

  • The choice between a self-managed novated lease and a fully maintained novated lease can depend on industry and profession, especially in terms of how much time an individual can dedicate to managing their lease. Those in demanding professions or with erratic schedules might find a fully maintained lease more beneficial due to its convenience and time-saving benefits.


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