Job Changes and Novated Leases: What Happens if I Leave My Job?

novated lease what happens if i leave my job

Navigating career changes can be exciting and challenging, especially when financial commitments like a novated lease come into play. A common question arises: "What happens to my novated lease if I leave my job?"

Understanding the implications of job changes on your novated lease is crucial to making informed decisions and managing your finances effectively.

This article will explore the potential impacts and options when transitioning to a new job or facing unexpected employment changes.

Scenarios of Job Changes

When considering a novated lease, understanding how different job change scenarios impact the lease agreement is essential.

Here are the primary scenarios you might encounter:

Voluntary Job Change: 

This occurs when you resign from your current position to take up a new job. It's crucial to assess whether your new employer offers novated leases and if they are willing to take over the existing lease. If they do, the transition can be relatively smooth. However, if they don't, you'll need to explore other options to manage your lease payments.

Involuntary Job Change: 

This includes situations like termination or redundancy. Your financial stability might be affected in such cases, making understanding your lease obligations and options vital. You might suddenly lose income, making managing lease payments more challenging.

Retirement or Career Break: 

If you are planning to retire or take a career break, you'll need to decide how to manage the remaining payments on your novated lease, considering your changed financial situation. Retirement may involve a fixed income, while a career break might mean no income, requiring careful financial planning.

Immediate Implications of Leaving Your Job

Leaving your job has immediate implications on your novated lease. Here's what you need to know:

Suspension of Salary Packaging Benefits: 

The salary packaging benefits of the novated lease will be suspended once you leave your job. This means the lease payments will no longer be deducted from your pre-tax salary, potentially increasing your taxable income. Without these pre-tax deductions, you might find your take-home pay reduced significantly, impacting your overall financial planning.

Employer's Role in Stopping Lease Payments:

Your current employer is responsible for stopping the lease payments once you leave. This requires clear communication and coordination to ensure no payments are missed or incorrectly processed. Following up with your employer and the leasing company is important to confirm that payments have been stopped correctly to avoid financial discrepancies.

Potential Financial Impact: 

Cancelling salary packaging benefits can increase out-of-pocket expenses. Understanding these impacts will help you budget accordingly and avoid financial strain. You may need to adjust your spending habits or find alternative sources of income to cover the additional costs.

Options for Managing Your Novated Lease After Leaving Your Job

If you're wondering what will happen to your novated lease if you leave your job, rest assured that you have several options to manage the situation.

Transfer to the New Employer:

Steps to Transfer

Discuss the lease transfer with your new employer. You can transfer the lease to them if they offer novated leasing, continuing the pre-tax salary deductions. This option can help maintain the financial benefits of salary packaging.

Challenges and Requirements

Ensure your new employer agrees to take over the lease and verify any associated administrative requirements. Not all employers may offer novated leases or be willing to take over an existing agreement, so confirming this early in your job transition process is essential.

Self-Manage the Lease:

Taking Over Payments

If transferring isn't an option, you can manage the lease payments yourself. This means you'll pay the lease directly from your post-tax income. This option provides more control over your finances but can also increase your monthly expenses.

Financial Considerations

This option might increase your monthly expenses, so it's essential to budget carefully and possibly consult a financial advisor. You'll need to ensure you can cover the payments without the benefit of salary packaging, which may affect your disposable income.

Early Termination of the Lease:

Process and Costs

If neither transferring nor self-managing is feasible, you can opt for early termination. This involves notifying the leasing company and paying any applicable termination fees. Early termination might be the best option if you cannot manage the lease payments due to financial constraints.

Potential Penalties

Be aware of penalties or financial losses associated with early termination, including residual value adjustments and administrative costs. These penalties can be significant, so it's important to calculate the total cost before deciding on early termination.

Communicating with Relevant Parties

Effective communication is key when handling a novated lease during a job change. Here's how to manage it:

Notifying the Leasing Company:

Inform the leasing company about your job change immediately. They can guide you through your options and assist you with any necessary paperwork. Clear communication ensures that you understand all the available options and can make an informed decision.

Informing the New Employer: 

If you're transferring the lease, discuss the process with your new employer early on. Ensure they understand the benefits and administrative steps involved. Early discussions can help smooth the transition and avoid any delays in transferring the lease.

Seeking Advice from a Financial Advisor: 

Consult a financial advisor to explore the best option based on your new employment status and financial situation. They can offer personalised advice to help you make informed decisions. A financial advisor can also help you navigate the complexities of novated leases and job changes, ensuring you choose the best option for your financial health.

Pros and Cons of Each Option

Each option for managing your novated lease after leaving your job has advantages and disadvantages. Here's a comparative analysis:

Transferring to a New Employer:

Self-Managing the Lease:

  • Pros: Flexibility to manage payments on your terms, no reliance on employer policies. This option provides more control over your finances and eliminates dependency on your employer's policies.

  • Cons: Higher out-of-pocket expenses and potential tax implications. You may face increased monthly expenses and a higher taxable income without salary packaging.

Early Termination:

  • Pros: Immediate resolution, no ongoing financial commitment. This option allows you to end the lease agreement quickly, eliminating future payments.

  • The cons are high termination fees, potential financial loss, and an impact on credit rating. Early termination can be costly, and the financial penalties may outweigh the benefits.

Evaluating these options will help you determine the best course of action based on your circumstances and financial goals. Making an informed decision will ensure you manage your novated lease effectively during job changes.

Considering a novated lease or facing job changes? Contact Novated Finance Australia today for expert advice and personalised solutions to manage your novated lease effectively. Reach out now to explore your options and ensure a smooth transition!

Frequently Asked Question

  • If you switch jobs, you can transfer the novated lease to your new employer if they offer novated leasing. Alternatively, you can self-manage the lease payments or opt for early termination, which may incur fees.

  • Yes, you can keep your novated lease if you're made redundant. You can self-manage the lease payments or negotiate early termination with the leasing company, keeping in mind potential fees.

  • Discuss the process with your current and new employers to transfer your novated lease to a new employer. Ensure your new employer offers novated leasing and is willing to take over the lease. Complete any required paperwork and coordinate with the leasing company.

  • Self-managing a novated lease means paying lease payments from your post-tax income, which can increase your monthly expenses and taxable income. It's important to budget accordingly and seek financial advice if needed.


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