Eco-Friendly and Wallet-Friendly: Understanding FBT Benefits of Electric Car Novated Leases

Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionising how we approach eco-friendly transportation, offering a cleaner alternative to traditional petrol and diesel cars. With environmental concerns on the rise, individuals and businesses alike are turning towards more sustainable options. Enter the concept of a novated lease for electric cars, a financial arrangement that promotes green living and offers significant savings, particularly in terms of Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). 

This comprehensive guide dives deep into the benefits of a novated lease electric car FBT, outlining why this could be the smartest financial and environmental decision you'll make this year.

Why Consider a Novated Lease for Your Electric Car?

Maximise Savings on FBT

A novated lease electric car FBT arrangement can lead to substantial savings. Since FBT is calculated based on the value of the car and its usage, electric vehicles, which typically have lower running costs, can result in lower FBT obligations. This makes an electric car novated lease attractive for employers and employees, promoting a shift towards more sustainable commuting options.

Budget-Friendly Vehicle Management

Managing vehicle-related expenses becomes straightforward and budget-friendly under a novated lease. From insurance and registration to maintenance and fuel (or, in this case, charging costs), all expenses can be bundled into one convenient package, making financial planning easier and more predictable.

Environmental Benefits

Choosing an electric vehicle over a traditional combustion engine car reduces your carbon footprint. Electric cars emit zero tailpipe pollutants, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment. This advantage aligns perfectly with the growing global push for sustainability.

Enhanced Access to Premium Vehicles

Novated lease arrangements often make it easier for individuals to access more premium electric vehicles that might otherwise be out of their financial reach. Through pre-negotiated terms and the spread of payments over time, drivers can enjoy the benefits of advanced EV technology without the hefty upfront cost.

Government Incentives

Many governments offer incentives for electric vehicle ownership, including rebates, tax deductions, and exemptions from certain fees. Combined with the FBT advantages of a novated lease, these incentives make electric cars an even more attractive option.

Understanding FBT and Novated Leases

What is FBT?

Fringe Benefits Tax is a tax employers pay on certain benefits they provide to their employees, including cars. However, with a novated lease, the FBT can be significantly reduced, especially for electric vehicles, due to their lower operating costs and environmental impact.

How Does a Novated Lease Work?

A novated lease is a three-way agreement between an employee, employer, and a finance company. It allows the employee to lease an electric car with pre-tax income, leading to potential tax savings and making the process financially advantageous for both parties.

Financial and Environmental Impact

Savings Calculator

Choosing an electric vehicle under a novated lease could save thousands in FBT and running costs. Tools and calculators available online can help estimate your specific savings, taking into account the make and model of the EV, your salary, and other relevant factors.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Switching to an electric vehicle can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. On average, an electric car emits about half the CO2 per kilometre compared to a traditional petrol or diesel vehicle, making a novated lease for an electric car a step towards a more sustainable future.

Making the Switch to an Electric Vehicle

Transitioning to an electric vehicle through a novated lease is not just a financially savvy move; it's a commitment to a cleaner, more sustainable mode of transportation. With the benefits of reduced FBT, lower running costs, and environmental impact, there's never been a better time to consider an electric car novated lease.

Step into the future of driving with Novated Finance Australia’s EV novated lease. Reach out now to learn how to enjoy electric vehicles' benefits while maximising your financial advantages. 

Frequently Asked Question

  • Most modern electric vehicles are eligible for novated leasing arrangements. It's best to consult a novated leasing specialist to determine which models qualify and how to get started.

  • Savings on FBT depend on various factors, including the car's value, your tax bracket, and how much you use the car for personal versus business purposes. Typically, electric vehicles offer greater savings due to their lower operational and maintenance costs.

  • Yes, electric vehicles produce zero emissions at the tailpipe, which means driving an EV significantly reduces your personal carbon footprint and contributes to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.


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