huge tax benefits

Novated Leasing for Electric Cars

Go Electric: Save Big with a Novated Lease

Are you considering an upgrade to your vehicle? Explore the advantages of transitioning to an electric vehicle (EV) through an Electric Vehicle Novated Lease. This smart decision elevates your driving experience and optimises your financial and environmental contributions.

Here's why it's a smart move →


With an EV novated lease, you can significantly reduce your tax liability. By using pre-tax dollars for your lease payments and other running costs like charging, insurance, and maintenance, you'll enjoy more take-home pay. Plus, there are government incentives available for EVs, making it even more cost-effective. (No FBT under 88k).

Silent and smooth

EElectric Vehicle Leases represent more than financial wisdom; they embody the tranquil future of transportation. The absence of engine noise transforms your commute or road trip into a serene journey, enhancing your driving pleasure and reducing stress.

Eco-Conscious Driving:

Opting for an Electric Vehicle Novated Lease aligns your transportation choices with environmental consciousness. Zero tailpipe emissions mean you play a pivotal role in diminishing the carbon footprint, making each drive a step towards a sustainable planet.

charging convenience

Charging an EV is as simple as plugging it in at home, at work, or at one of the growing number of public charging stations. You'll never have to visit a gas station again.

low running costs

Electric vehicles are incredibly efficient and have lower ongoing expenses. Say goodbye to expensive fuel bills – charging an EV is a fraction of the cost of petrol or diesel. With fewer moving parts, maintenance is also more affordable.


Embracing an EV Novated Lease Australia positions you at the forefront of automotive innovation, ready for future regulations and advancements. This proactive choice ensures your mobility solutions are sustainable and forward-thinking.

leading-edge technology

EVs are at the forefront of automotive technology. They come packed with advanced features, safety enhancements, and cutting-edge infotainment systems. You'll experience the thrill of driving a modern, high-tech vehicle.

maximised support

Choosing a Novated Lease EV through Novated Finance Australia means access to expert guidance every step of the way. Our dedicated team ensures a smooth process, from selection to ongoing management, prioritising your satisfaction and ease.

Why Choose an EV Novated Lease?

Opting for an Electric Vehicle Novated Lease through Novated Finance Australia is a multifaceted decision that benefits your wallet, lifestyle, and the planet. It represents a holistic approach to vehicle leasing, combining financial savings, environmental responsibility, convenience, and access to the latest technology. It's not just a lease; it's a leap into the future of driving.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can include lease payments, charging expenses, insurance, and maintenance costs, maximising the financial efficiency of your Electric Vehicle Lease.

  • Charging costs can be reclaimed as part of your lease agreement, allowing for straightforward management of your EV operating expenses.

  • Costs not directly related to the operation and maintenance of the vehicle, such as traffic fines or non-approved modifications, are typically excluded.

  • Lease terms are flexible and designed to accommodate your needs and preferences, with most agreements ranging from one to five years.

  • At the end of your lease, you may have the option to purchase the vehicle, extend the lease, or simply return the vehicle, offering flexibility to suit your circumstances.

  • Yes, government incentives for EVs can still be accessed alongside the benefits of an EV Novated Lease, enhancing the overall value and savings.