Behind the Wheel of a BMW: Understanding Lease Pricing

Bmw lease cost

Leasing a BMW can be a wise financial decision, especially with options like the novated lease, which can significantly reduce the overall BMW lease cost. This type of lease provides financial benefits file, flexibility, and convenience for your lifestyle.

What is a Novated Lease?

A novated lease involves three parties: the employee, their employer, and a leasing company. This setup allows you to lease a BMW using pre-tax income, potentially reducing your taxable income and increasing your take-home pay.

Benefits of Choosing a Novated Lease for a BMW

Novated leases offer several advantages for BMW leases:

  • Reduced Taxable Income: Using pre-tax dollars to pay for your lease can lower your taxable income.

  • Simplified Expense Management: Combine your vehicle's finance and running costs into one regular, fixed payment.

  • No Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT): No FBT applies to electric vehicles like the 2023 BMW iX1, under the luxury car tax threshold.

The Cost-Saving Advantages of Novated Leasing

A novated lease for a BMW, especially the 2023 iX1 model, offers considerable savings, with potential upfront costs and ongoing expense reductions.

Detailed Breakdown of the 2023 BMW iX1 Lease Costs

The 2023 BMW iX1 has specific leasing dynamics worth understanding for potential leases. 

Let's delve into its lease structure and costs.

Total Cost and Savings

An in-depth look at the BMW lease cost for the iX1 reveals:

  • Total On-Road Cost: $86,167

  • Weekly Lease Cost: $271

  • Estimated Savings Over Lease Term: $50,440

These figures highlight the financial viability of opting for a novated lease, considering the significant tax savings and reduced running costs.

Additional Financial Perks

Beyond standard savings, novated leasing also provides:

  • Access to Cheaper Vehicle Purchase Prices: Leveraging group buying power can reduce purchase prices significantly.

  • 24/7 Accident Management & Roadside Assistance: Essential services add security and convenience to your lease.

How to Find the Best BMW Lease Deals Near You

Understanding the market and available offers is crucial to securing the best BMW novated deals

Here's how you can find the most advantageous lease deals.

Tips for Finding Competitive BMW Leases

  • Research Local Dealerships: Stay informed about local BMW dealership promotions and special lease offers.

  • Consider Timing: Shopping during certain times, like model year-end sales, can yield better deals.

Utilising Tools and Resources

Buying vs Leasing the New BMW

If your priority is a lower monthly payment, leasing a new BMW could be attractive. BMW vehicles generally have strong long-term resale values—residual values—crucial for leasing. 

Combining high residual values and favourable interest rates results in more affordable lease payments. This has traditionally made BMWs excellent candidates for leasing due to their ability to maintain value over time.

However, it's important to understand that not every model within the BMW brand will have uniform residual values. While BMWs are renowned for their durability and sustained market value, individual models can vary.

To ensure you make a sound leasing decision, inquire about the specific residual value of the BMW model you are interested in. A residual value of at least 50 per cent is generally considered favourable for leasing.

Before committing to a lease, there are additional factors to consider, such as mileage restrictions, potential end-of-lease fees, and the extra cost of taxes. Make sure to discuss these details with your dealership to fully understand all the implications of leasing a new BMW. 

This will equip you with all the necessary information to decide whether leasing is the right choice.

Ready to experience the luxury and efficiency of a BMW? Explore your options for a BMW novated lease today and take advantage of the special deals and savings offered by Novated Finance. Contact Novated Finance Australia now.

Frequently Asked Question

  • The payment typically encompasses the vehicle lease and may include associated costs like insurance, maintenance, and streamlining budget management.

  • Certain lease agreements offer zero down payment options, minimising initial expenses and making it easier to start a lease.

  • At lease end, you might buy the car, trade it in for a new lease, or simply return it, each option offering its benefits depending on your circumstances.


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