Plan Your Drive: How to Use a Volkswagen Novated Lease Calculator Effectively

When financing your new Volkswagen, understanding the intricacies of a novated lease can lead to significant savings in money and hassle. The Volkswagen novated lease calculator is at the heart of this process, a crucial tool designed to help you make informed financial decisions.

What is a Novated Lease?

A novated lease is a tripartite agreement between an employee, employer, and a finance company. In this arrangement, the employer agrees to take on the employee's car lease obligations, which are then deducted from the employee's pre-tax salary. This method can reduce the employee's taxable income and provide a cost-effective way to own a car.

Benefits of a Volkswagen Novated Lease

Opting for a Volkswagen novated lease comes with numerous benefits:

  • Tax Efficiency: Payments are made from pre-tax salary, reducing taxable income.

  • Budget Management: Regular lease payments include all vehicle costs, such as insurance, maintenance, and sometimes fuel, making financial planning easier.

  • Flexibility: You can choose your preferred Volkswagen model and negotiate the terms to suit your financial situation.

Advantages of a Volkswagen Novated Lease for Employees and Employers

Employee Benefits

Effortless Vehicle Management 

With the option of novated leasing, employees experience hassle-free vehicle management. Novated leasing companies take on the responsibility of servicing, administrative tasks, and day-to-day upkeep, ensuring the vehicle remains roadworthy without requiring any effort from the employee.

Enhanced Financial Benefits 

The structure of a novated lease allows lease payments to be deducted from an employee's pre-tax salary. This setup can potentially lower an individual's taxable income, which may result in paying less income tax while enjoying the perks of a new car.

Access to Business-Level Rates 

Employees who opt for a Volkswagen novated lease benefit from competitive rates typically reserved for business customers. This offers a financial advantage over standard consumer rates, making it a more economical choice for vehicle leasing.

Employer Benefits

Attractive Employee Benefits Package 

A novated lease can set a company apart in the competitive job market. It's an appealing benefits package element that can help attract and retain top talent, differentiating the employer from other companies.

Flexible Leasing Options 

Employers can enhance their leasing policy by allowing employees the flexibility to lease more than one vehicle. This flexibility is attractive for potential and current employees, catering to varying needs and lifestyles.

Choosing the Right Volkswagen Model

Selecting the right vehicle is key. Consider the total cost of ownership, including fuel efficiency, insurance costs, maintenance, and the vehicle's residual value at the end of the lease term. Models like the Volkswagen Golf or Tiguan offer good fuel efficiency and high resale value, making them popular for novated leases.

How to Use the Volkswagen Novated Lease Calculator

Using the Volkswagen novated lease calculator is straightforward:

  1. Vehicle Price: Start by entering the purchase price of your chosen Volkswagen.

  2. Annual Income: Input your gross annual salary to assess affordability.

  3. Lease Term: Choose how long you want to lease the vehicle.

  4. Estimated Running Costs: Include estimates for fuel, maintenance, and insurance.

This calculator will then provide you with a detailed breakdown of your monthly payments, the tax savings you might enjoy, and the net cost of the lease.

Tips for Accurate Calculations

  • Ensure Accuracy: Double-check all the numbers you input for precision.

  • Update Regularly: Adjust the calculator inputs as your financial situation or vehicle prices change.

  • Seek Advice: Consult with a financial advisor to tailor the lease to your financial needs.

Leveraging Your Volkswagen Lease

Maximising Tax Benefits

To maximise the benefits, understand the tax rules related to novated leasing. This involves knowing how much of your pre-tax salary can be effectively used and the tax implications of different types of vehicles under current legislation.

Planning for the End of Lease Term

Towards the end of your lease, you will have several options:

  • Extend the Lease: Sometimes extending the lease can be beneficial if the vehicle remains in good condition and the terms are favourable.

  • Return the Vehicle: You can simply return the vehicle at the end of the lease term without further obligations, provided it meets the return conditions.

  • Buy the Vehicle: Often, you can purchase the vehicle for the residual value agreed upon at the start of the lease.

Wrapping Up

Using the Volkswagen novated lease calculator effectively requires understanding your financial options and how they align with your personal or family budget. 

With this tool, you can strategically plan your vehicle financing to ensure that you not only enjoy driving your Volkswagen but do so in a financially savvy manner.

Ready to drive your new Volkswagen with more savings with Novated Finance Australia? Calculate your benefits today with our Volkswagen Novated Lease Calculator and take the first step towards smart and affordable vehicle ownership.

Frequently Asked Question

  • A Volkswagen novated lease typically includes the car lease, registration, insurance, maintenance, and sometimes fuel costs.

  • A novated lease reduces your taxable income as the lease payments are made pre-tax, leading to potential tax savings.

  • Yes, most Volkswagen models are available for novated leasing, depending on availability and your employer's lease agreement.

  • Yes, you can typically buy the vehicle for a residual amount at the end of the lease term.

  • Use our website's Volkswagen novated lease calculator to estimate your savings by entering specific details about your salary and the vehicle.


Your Guide to Novated Lease Residual Values


Complete Guide to Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) for Novated Leases in Australia