From Dreams to Driveways: Novated Lease for Used Cars

novated lease used car

Owning a car is a dream for many, but the high costs can often be a barrier. What if there was a way to drive your dream car without breaking the bank? Enter the novated lease for a used car. This option makes car ownership more affordable and offers significant tax benefits and flexibility.

In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about securing a novated lease for a used car, from the basics to the process, and why it might be the perfect choice for you.

What is a Novated Lease?

A novated lease is a financial arrangement that allows employees to lease a vehicle through a salary sacrifice agreement with their employer. Essentially, the employer takes on the lease payments by deducting them from the employee's pre-tax salary, offering significant tax savings. This setup can be applied to both new and used cars, providing flexibility and financial benefits to employees.

Why Consider a Used Car for a Novated Lease?

Choosing a novated lease for a used car is a financially savvy decision for several reasons:

Lower Depreciation Rates:

Used cars have already undergone the steepest portion of their depreciation curve. This means that the value of a used car depreciates more slowly than that of a new car, which can translate to lower lease payments and better overall value for money.

Reduced Purchase Price:

The initial cost of a used car is significantly lower than that of a new car. This lower purchase price means the lease payments can be more affordable, making it easier to fit into your budget.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Novated Leasing a Used Car


Cost Savings:

A novated lease for a used car can be significantly cheaper than leasing a new vehicle. Used cars have lower purchase prices and depreciate more slowly, leading to reduced lease payments and overall costs.

Tax Benefits:

One of the most attractive features of a novated lease is the potential tax savings. Lease payments are deducted from your pre-tax salary, reducing your taxable income and saving you money.

Flexibility in Vehicle Choice:

Novated leases offer various vehicle options, including used cars. This flexibility allows you to choose a car that fits your specific needs and budget without being limited to new models.


Potential for Higher Maintenance Costs:

Used cars, especially older models, may require more frequent maintenance and repairs. While some novated leases include maintenance costs, it's important to consider potential out-of-pocket expenses.

Employer Dependency:

A novated lease arrangement requires your employer's participation. If you change jobs, the lease agreement might be affected, potentially leading to complications or additional costs.

Limited to Certain Vehicle Types and Conditions:

Not all used cars qualify for a novated lease. Leasing companies often have strict criteria regarding the vehicle's age, mileage, and condition. This can limit your options and require extra effort to find an eligible car.

Eligibility Criteria for Novated Leasing a Used Car

Employer Policies

Before diving into a novated lease for a used car, it's crucial to understand your employer's policies and requirements:

Employer Participation:

Not all employers offer novated lease arrangements. Check with your HR department to see if your company participates in such programs. Employers play a key role in facilitating the lease by deducting payments from your pre-tax salary, so their involvement is essential.

Typical Employer Requirements:

Employers may have specific guidelines regarding the types of vehicles eligible for a novated lease. These can include restrictions on the car's age, condition, and value. Ensure you are aware of these requirements to avoid any surprises during the leasing process.

Vehicle Age and Condition

When considering a novated lease for a used car, certain criteria regarding the vehicle's age and condition must be met:

Maximum Age and Mileage:

Most novated lease agreements stipulate that the used car must be below a certain age and mileage threshold. Typically, cars should be no older than fifteen years and have less than 300,000 kilometres on the odometer at the end of the term. This ensures the vehicle is still in good working condition and minimises potential maintenance issues.

Inspection and Valuation Requirements:

Leasing companies often require a thorough inspection and valuation of the used car to determine its eligibility for a novated lease. This process assesses the car's condition, ensuring it meets safety and quality standards. Be prepared for this step, and consider having a pre-purchase inspection done by a trusted mechanic to avoid any unforeseen issues.

Steps to Lease a Used Car Through a Novated Lease

Research and Selection

The first step in securing a novated lease for a used car is thorough research and careful selection:

Finding Eligible Used Cars:

Start by identifying used cars that meet the eligibility criteria set by your employer and the leasing company. This typically includes considerations around the car's age, mileage, and condition.

Tips for Selecting a Reliable Used Car:

  • Vehicle History Report: Obtain a comprehensive vehicle history report to check for past accidents, repairs, and ownership details. This can help you avoid hidden issues in cars.

  • Pre-Purchase Inspection: Have the car inspected by a qualified mechanic to ensure it is in good condition and meets all safety standards.

  • Test Drive: Take the car for a test drive to assess its performance and comfort.

Application and Approval

Once you've selected a suitable used car, the next step is to apply for the novated lease:

Necessary Documentation:

Prepare all required documents, typically including proof of employment, salary details, and information about the selected vehicle. Ensure you have the vehicle's registration papers, service history, and any inspection reports ready.

Approval Process and Timelines:

Submit your application to the leasing company for approval. The approval process can vary, but it usually takes a few days to a few weeks. Before granting approval, the leasing company will review your financial situation, employment stability, and the car's eligibility.

Finalising the Lease

After receiving approval, you'll need to finalise the novated lease agreement:

Signing the Novated Lease Agreement:

Please review the lease terms carefully, including the payment schedule, maintenance responsibilities, and any additional costs. Once you are satisfied, you should sign the agreement to formalise the lease.

Integrating the Lease with Salary Packaging:

Coordinate with your employer to set up salary packaging. This involves adjusting your salary to include the lease payments, ensuring they are deducted from your pre-tax income. Your HR department will typically handle this process, making the necessary payroll adjustments.

Ready to drive your dream car without breaking the bank? Novated Finance Australia makes it easy to secure a novated lease for a used car, offering significant tax savings and flexible options to suit your needs. Contact us today to learn more and start your journey to affordable, hassle-free car ownership!

Frequently Asked Question

  • Not all used cars are eligible for novated leasing. Generally, the vehicle must meet specific criteria set by the leasing company and your employer, such as age, mileage, and condition. It's best to check these requirements before selecting a used car.

  • If you change jobs or your employment status changes, you must inform the leasing company immediately. If your new employer offers novated leasing, the lease may be transferred to them.

  • Beyond the regular lease payments, you may encounter additional costs such as insurance, registration, and maintenance. Some novated leases include these expenses, so reviewing your lease agreement is crucial to understand what is covered.

  • A novated lease reduces your take-home pay since the lease payments are deducted from your pre-tax salary. However, this reduction is offset by the tax savings and potential cost benefits of the lease, often resulting in overall financial benefits.

  • Customisations or modifications to a leased vehicle generally require approval from the leasing company. Unauthorised changes can lead to penalties or additional costs when returning the car at the end of the lease. Always check with your leasing provider before making any modifications.


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