Navigating the End of a Novated Lease in Australia: Options & Considerations

When a novated lease in Australia reaches its end, you generally face three primary options regarding the future of your leased vehicle. Each option has its benefits and potential drawbacks, and the choice largely depends on your circumstances, financial considerations, and future needs. It's crucial to understand your options and prepare for the next steps. 

This guide provides a thorough overview of what happens at the end of a novated lease and how to manage the transition effectively.

Understanding the End of Your Novated Lease

When your novated lease term concludes, you typically face several decisions concerning the future of the vehicle and your financial arrangements:

Paying the Residual to Own the Car 

At the end of the lease, you can pay the residual value—a balloon payment—to own the car outright. This amount is a pre-determined percentage of the car's initial price, adjusted according to the lease duration. Handling this payment can be done via personal savings or a loan. Opting for ownership means you no longer have lease obligations, but future costs and taxes will be out-of-pocket.

Trading in the Car and Starting a New Lease 

A popular choice for many is to trade in their current vehicle and enter into a new lease agreement. This option allows you to upgrade to a newer model while maintaining the financial benefits of a novated lease, such as pre-tax salary deductions for payments and running costs.

Renewing the Lease with the Same Car 

If the car still meets your needs, you might consider refinancing the residual value into a new lease term with the same vehicle. This can result in lower monthly payments and continued tax advantages, though you won't own the car outright during the extended lease.

Transitioning Ownership or Returning the Vehicle 

If you decide not to keep the car, you can return it to the leasing company. It's important to ensure the vehicle meets the return conditions specified in your lease to avoid extra charges. Alternatively, some leasing companies allow the lease to be extended if you wish to keep using the vehicle without full ownership.

Settlement and Transition Process

The end of a novated lease involves a settlement process, whether you're buying the vehicle, extending the lease, or returning it:

  • Final Payments: If purchasing the vehicle or extending the lease, all final payments as per your contract need to be completed.

  • Transfer of Ownership: For those buying the car, the leasing company will facilitate ownership transfer, which includes handling necessary paperwork and any related fees.

  • Return Procedure: If returning the vehicle, follow the leasing company's guidelines, which might include a thorough inspection and returning the car to a specified location.

Considerations for End-of-Lease Decisions

Making an informed decision at the end of your novated lease requires careful consideration of several factors:

Residual Value vs. Market Value: 

Assess whether the vehicle's residual value is aligned with its current market value, which can influence whether purchasing the car is financially sensible.

Vehicle Condition:

Evaluate any wear and tear the vehicle has undergone and consider potential charges if it exceeds what is deemed acceptable by the leasing company.

Future Transportation Needs: 

Reflect on whether the vehicle still meets your needs or if a different model would be more appropriate, influencing whether to extend the lease, buy the vehicle, or opt for a new lease.

Wrapping Up

As you approach the end of your novated lease, understanding each option and its implications helps you make choices that align with your personal and financial circumstances. Whether you decide to own the car, start a new lease, extend the current arrangement, or simply return the vehicle, planning ahead ensures a smooth transition and continued satisfaction with your automotive and financial arrangements.

Ready to explore your options at the end of your novated lease? Contact Novated Finance Australia today for expert guidance and personalised assistance tailored to your needs.

Frequently Asked Question

  • Yes, many leasing companies offer the option to extend the lease further. Please get in touch with a Novated Finance Australia expert to get more information.

  • Exceeding the mileage limit specified in your lease agreement may incur additional charges upon return. It's advisable to monitor your mileage throughout the lease period and consider purchasing additional mileage if needed.

  • While it may be possible to negotiate the residual value with the leasing company, it ultimately depends on the terms of your agreement. It's worth discussing this option with the leasing provider to explore possibilities.

  • You may incur additional charges upon return if the vehicle exhibits excessive wear and tear beyond normal usage. Reviewing the leasing company's policies regarding wear and tear and addressing any concerns beforehand is essential.


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