How to Get the Best Deal on a Mazda Novated Lease in AU

Novated lease mazda au

Navigating the world of novated leases in Australia, especially for a popular brand like Mazda, may seem difficult, but with the right approach, you can maximise your benefits

Here's a comprehensive guide to getting the best deal on a Mazda novated lease.

Understanding Novated Leases

A novated lease is a three-party agreement between an employee, employer, and a lease company. It allows you to lease a Mazda vehicle using pre-tax income, which can reduce your taxable income and increase your take-home pay. This setup typically includes the vehicle's finances and running costs (like fuel, maintenance, and insurance), often resulting in GST savings on these expenses.

Choosing Your Mazda Model

Mazda offers a range of vehicles suitable for novated leasing, from family-friendly SUVs like the CX-5 and CX-9 to the robust Mazda BT-50 ute. Each model may come with different incentives and lease conditions, so it's essential to consider which vehicle best suits your lifestyle and budgetary needs.

Calculating Costs and Savings

Novated lease packages often bundle various costs, including registration, comprehensive insurance, roadside assistance, and routine maintenance. 

For example, specific Mazda models like the CX-5 come with extensive lease packages that can offer significant savings on these combined costs compared to handling them separately. 

Using novated lease calculators provided by lease companies can give you a personalised estimate of your potential savings and monthly costs based on your salary and chosen vehicle.

Mazda CX-30 Cost  

The Mazda CX-30, with Novated Finance AU, have an on-road cost of around $31,610, with an estimated weekly cost of about $211, leading to potential savings of approximately $7,540 over the lease term​​.

Strategies for Securing the Best Lease Deal

To ensure you get the most favourable terms on your Mazda novated lease:

  1. Compare Different Providers: Look at various leasing companies and their offers for the best rates and conditions.

  2. Negotiate the Terms: Discuss the lease terms with the provider to potentially improve the conditions or price.

  3. Review the Contract Thoroughly: Understand all the inclusions, exclusions, and fine print to avoid unexpected costs.

  4. Use Online Calculators: Online novated lease calculators can help estimate the cost and savings of your novated lease​

Enjoy the Benefits of a Mazda CX-30 with a Novated Lease

Opting for a Mazda CX-30 through Novated Finance enhances your driving experience and offers significant financial advantages. Here's how you benefit:

Lower Your Taxable Income

By structuring your car lease through a novated lease agreement, you can pay directly from your pre-tax salary, lowering your taxable income.

Consolidate Expenses into One Simple Payment

A novated lease simplifies your financial management by bundling the vehicle's finance and operating costs (like fuel, maintenance, and insurance) into one consistent payment, making budgeting easier.

Enjoy Cost Savings on Vehicle Purchase

Leveraging a novated lease often allows you to access lower vehicle prices than retail purchasing. This is due to the purchasing power and fleet discounts that leasing companies typically negotiate with dealers.

Manage Running Costs Efficiently

Your lease payment covers not just the car but also its running costs. This means you use pre-tax dollars to cover everything from fuel to servicing, reducing out-of-pocket expenses.

Gain Peace of Mind with 24/7 Support

Included in your novated lease are round-the-clock accident management and roadside assistance

How to Set Up a Novated Lease for a Mazda

Excited to start driving your new Mazda under a novated lease? Here's a straightforward guide to getting everything set up.

Step 1: Choose Your Mazda Model

Begin by selecting the Mazda model that fits your needs and lifestyle. Whether it's the sporty Mazda3 or the spacious CX-9, ensure it aligns with your personal preferences and budget requirements.

Step 2: Initiate the Process

Once you've picked out your model, complete a quick initial form—often called a Fast Form—on the leasing company's website. This form usually requires some basic information about your Mazda choice. After submission, you'll receive a call from a leasing consultant to discuss your options and next steps.

Step 3: Credit Approval and Documentation

The next step involves applying for credit approval. This is typically a straightforward process facilitated by the leasing company. Upon approval, you'll be asked to sign the lease documentation to formally begin the leasing process.

Step 4: Employer Engagement

The leasing company will contact your employer with the necessary onboarding information following your agreement. Your employer must review and sign a deed of activation to officially integrate the novated lease arrangement into their payroll system.

Step 5: Vehicle Delivery

Once the financials are settled, your chosen Mazda will be prepared for delivery. The leasing company will handle all the logistics to ensure your new vehicle is delivered without hassle.

Step 6: Payroll Arrangement

Finally, the leasing company will provide payroll advice to your employer or directly to the payroll department/supplier (like Xero or another system). This ensures that all lease payments are efficiently managed through your pre-tax salary, completing the setup of your novated lease.

Finalising Your Lease

Once you choose your desired Mazda model and lease terms, applying for a novated lease involves providing details about your employment and desired vehicle. After approval, companies typically guide you through the process, from vehicle selection to finalising the lease agreement. Continuous support is available to handle any queries or adjustments over the lease term.

Ready to save on your next Mazda? Experience the financial benefits of a novated lease with Novated Finance Australia—lower taxable income, fixed and predictable costs, and hassle-free vehicle management. Start now.

Frequently Asked Question

  • Most Mazda novated lease packages include the vehicle's finance, registration, insurance, roadside assistance, and maintenance costs.

  • A novated lease reduces your taxable income since the lease payments are made using pre-tax dollars. It also bundles various vehicle-related costs, which are often at a lower rate than available to individual consumers.

  • Most Mazda models are available for novated leases, but availability might depend on your lease provider's agreements with Mazda.

  • At the end of a novated lease, you typically can purchase the vehicle, trade it in for a new lease, or extend the lease term.


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