Company Car vs. Novated Lease: Which Is the Right Business Move?

company car vs novated lease

Choosing the right vehicle solution for your business can significantly impact your finances and employee satisfaction. The decision between a company car vs. a novated lease involves weighing convenience, cost, and tax implications.

This blog post will explore each option's key differences, benefits, and drawbacks, helping you make an informed choice for your business.

Understanding Company Cars

A company car is a vehicle provided by an employer for business and sometimes personal use by employees. This arrangement typically involves the employer purchasing or leasing the vehicle and covering associated costs such as insurance, maintenance, and fuel.

Benefits of Company Cars

Company cars offer several advantages, making them popular for many businesses. 

First, they provide convenience for employees, eliminating the need to use personal vehicles for work-related tasks. The employer manages maintenance and insurance, reducing the hassle for employees.

Additionally, businesses can benefit from tax deductions related to the costs of providing company cars, though these benefits can vary based on jurisdiction and specific tax laws.

Drawbacks of Company Cars

Despite the benefits, there are some drawbacks when choosing a company car vs. a novated lease. Company cars entail higher upfront costs and ongoing expenses for the business, including purchase or lease payments, insurance, maintenance, and fuel.

Furthermore, employees have limited choices in their vehicles, which can affect satisfaction. Lastly, managing a fleet of company cars involves handling depreciation and asset management, adding to the business's administrative burden.

Understanding Novated Leases

A novated lease involves three parties: the employer, the employee, and a financier. In this setup, an employee leases a vehicle, and the employer agrees to take on the lease payments through a salary sacrifice arrangement, effectively using pre-tax income to pay for the vehicle. This can lead to significant tax savings for the employee.

Benefits of Novated Leases

Novated leases offer numerous benefits, making them an attractive alternative when considering a company car vs. novated lease. One of the main advantages is flexibility—employees can choose their preferred vehicle, which can enhance satisfaction and retention.

Tax savings through salary packaging can substantially reduce an employee's taxable income. For employers, novated leases reduce liabilities and costs associated with owning and maintaining a fleet, as these responsibilities shift to the employee and financier.

Drawbacks of Novated Leases

However, novated leases are not without their drawbacks. The complexity of administration can be a challenge, requiring precise coordination between the employer, employee, and financier.

Additionally, the arrangement can impact the employee's take-home pay, as a portion of their pre-tax salary is directed towards the lease payments. There is also a risk for the business if the employee leaves; the company might need to find a new arrangement for the lease, which can be cumbersome.

Comparing Costs

Upfront Costs and Ongoing Expenses

Understanding the cost implications is crucial when evaluating a company car vs. a novated lease. Company cars typically involve significant upfront costs, including the purchase price or initial lease payments, along with ongoing maintenance, insurance, and fuel expenses.

In contrast, novated leases spread the costs over the lease term, with payments made from the employee's pre-tax salary. This can ease the immediate financial burden on the business but requires careful budgeting and administration.

Tax Implications

Tax considerations play a vital role in the decision-making process. Company cars can offer businesses tax deductions on expenses such as depreciation, maintenance, and fuel. However, they may also attract Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), which can reduce the overall tax benefit.

On the other hand, novated leases provide significant tax advantages through salary packaging, reducing the employee's taxable income. Employers also benefit from reduced FBT liabilities, as the vehicle is technically part of the employee's compensation package.

Employee Perspective

When comparing a company car vs. a novated lease, it's essential to consider employee preferences and satisfaction. Company cars offer convenience, as employees do not need to worry about vehicle maintenance or costs. However, the lack of choice in the vehicle can sometimes lead to dissatisfaction.

In contrast, novated leases allow employees to select their preferred car, boosting morale and retention. This flexibility often translates to higher job satisfaction as employees feel more valued and catered to.

Financial Impact on Employees

From a financial perspective, novated leases can provide substantial tax benefits for employees. Employees reduce their taxable income by using pre-tax salary to cover lease payments, resulting in potential savings. However, it's important to note that this arrangement can also reduce the employee's take-home pay, which may not be ideal for everyone.

In contrast, a company car does not affect the employee's salary but offers fewer personal tax advantages. When considering a novated lease, employees must weigh the immediate impact on their pay against the longer-term tax benefits.

Business Perspective

From a business standpoint, evaluating a company car vs. a novated lease involves assessing operational efficiency. Company cars offer straightforward management since the business handles all aspects of the vehicle, from maintenance to insurance. This centralised control can streamline operations but also increase administrative workload.

On the other hand, novated leases shift much of the administrative burden to the employee and financier, freeing up company resources. This can enhance operational efficiency, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses lacking extensive administrative support.

Long-term Financial Planning

Long-term financial planning is another critical factor in this decision. Company cars represent a significant capital expenditure, impacting cash flow and requiring careful asset management to handle depreciation. These vehicles remain on the company's balance sheet, influencing financial statements.

In contrast, novated leases can improve cash flow management by spreading costs over time and reducing the need for large capital outlays. This leasing model keeps the vehicle off the company's balance sheet, potentially presenting a more favourable financial position.

Making the Right Choice for Your Business

Evaluating your business's needs and priorities is essential when deciding between a company car and a novated lease. For most modern businesses, a novated lease offers significant advantages.

For instance, a tech startup found that novated leases offered attractive employee benefits without significant upfront costs. Employees enjoyed the flexibility of choosing their vehicles and appreciated the tax benefits, leading to increased satisfaction and retention rates.

Another example is a mid-sized marketing agency that switched from company cars to novated leases. This change reduced their administrative burden and improved cash flow management. Employees valued the ability to select their cars, which enhanced morale and loyalty.

Start by considering your budget, your company's size and structure, and the level of administrative support available. Novated leases provide flexibility and potential cost savings, making them a preferred choice for many businesses.

Drive smarter with your salary! Unlock the benefits of a Novated Lease with Novated Finance Australia today. Save on taxes, bundle your expenses, and enjoy the ride of your choice. 

Frequently Asked Question

  • The employer provides and maintains a company car, with all costs covered by the business. A novated lease, however, involves an employee leasing a vehicle with payments made through a salary sacrifice arrangement using pre-tax income.

  • A novated lease allows employees to choose their preferred vehicle and benefit from tax savings through salary packaging. This arrangement can reduce their taxable income, offering significant financial advantages.

  • Company cars involve higher upfront and ongoing costs for the business, including purchase, maintenance, and insurance. Novated leases, on the other hand, spread costs over the lease term, potentially improving cash flow and reducing business liabilities.

  • Due to flexibility, cost savings, and reduced administrative burden, businesses may prefer novated leases. Novated leases also keep the vehicle off the company's balance sheet and can enhance employee satisfaction by allowing personal vehicle choice.


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