Choosing the Right EV Novated Lease: Brands & Tax Advantages

ev novated lease

With the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and their increasing popularity, more drivers are considering the benefits of an EV novated lease. This leasing option makes owning an electric vehicle more affordable and offers significant tax advantages.

In this blog post, we'll explore the financial perks of the best EV brands for novated leasing, helping you decide about your next vehicle. Whether you're an eco-conscious driver or simply looking for cost-effective transportation, understanding the ins and outs of an EV novated lease can be a game-changer.

The Rise of Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Electric vehicles (EVs) are transforming the automotive industry, offering a cleaner, more sustainable mode of transportation. The shift towards EVs is driven by increased environmental awareness, advancements in battery technology, and government incentives to reduce carbon emissions. 

Globally, countries are setting ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and EVs are at the forefront of this movement. In Australia, the EV market is growing rapidly, with more models available and an expanding charging infrastructure, making it easier than ever to own and operate an EV.

The benefits of EVs extend beyond environmental impact. EVs are more economical to run than their internal combustion engine counterparts, with lower fuel and maintenance costs. They are quieter, provide instant torque for rapid acceleration, and often come equipped with advanced technology features that enhance the driving experience. 

These advantages make EVs attractive for many drivers, especially those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save on long-term vehicle costs.

Top EV Brands for Novated Leasing

Choosing the right brand and model is crucial when considering an EV novated lease. Here are some of the top EV brands that are well-suited for novated leasing:


Tesla is synonymous with innovation in the EV market. The Tesla Model 3 and Model Y are popular choices due to their impressive range, advanced technology, and strong performance. Tesla's extensive Supercharger network also adds to the convenience of owning a Tesla, making long-distance travel more feasible.


Nissan has been a pioneer in the EV market with its Nissan Leaf. The Leaf is one of the most affordable EVs and offers a reliable range for daily commutes. It is known for its user-friendly features and comfortable interior, making it a practical choice for many drivers.


Hyundai offers a range of EVs, including the Kona Electric and Ioniq Electric. These models are known for their value, offering a good balance of range, features, and affordability. Hyundai's commitment to quality and innovation is evident in its EV lineup.


BMW's i3 and i4 models bring luxury and performance to the EV market. The i3 is a compact, city-friendly EV with a unique design, while the i4 offers a more traditional sedan experience with impressive range and performance. BMW's focus on driving dynamics ensures that their EVs are enjoyable.

Other Notable Brands

Brands like Audi, Mercedes-Benz, and Kia also offer competitive EV options. Audi's e-tron, Mercedes-Benz's EQC, and Kia's Niro EV provide luxury, performance, and practicality, catering to different preferences and needs.

Comparing EV Brands

Choosing the right EV for a novated lease involves comparing key factors to ensure you get the best value and performance for your needs.

Range and Performance

The driving range of an EV is one of the most critical factors. Tesla models generally lead in range, with the Model 3 offering up to 600 kilometres on a single charge. Hyundai's Kona Electric also offers a competitive range of around 450 kilometres. Performance-wise, Tesla's instant torque and rapid acceleration set it apart, but other brands like BMW and Audi also deliver impressive performance.

Cost and Affordability

While Tesla's models are on the higher end of the price spectrum, brands like Nissan and Hyundai offer more affordable options without compromising quality. The Nissan Leaf and Hyundai Ioniq are excellent choices for budget-conscious drivers, balancing affordability and performance.

Features and Technology

Tesla's advanced Autopilot system and over-the-air updates are industry-leading, offering features that keep the car updated with the latest technology without a trip to the dealer. Other brands are not far behind; for instance, BMW's iDrive system is highly intuitive. Hyundai's Kona Electric has various safety features like adaptive cruise control and lane-keeping assist. These technological advancements enhance driving comfort, safety, and convenience.

Customer Reviews and Satisfaction

Tesla consistently ranks high in customer satisfaction due to its performance and technology, although some users report concerns about build quality. Nissan Leaf owners appreciate its reliability and affordability, while BMW and Audi owners praise the premium feel and driving experience. Considering customer feedback can provide insights into potential issues and the overall ownership experience of different EV brands.

Tax Advantages of Novated Leasing EVs

One of the most compelling reasons to consider an EV novated lease is its array of tax advantages.

Salary Packaging

Salary packaging allows you to pay for your EV lease using pre-tax income, reducing your taxable income and thus lowering the amount of income tax you need to pay. This can result in significant savings over the life of the lease.

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

The Australian government offers FBT exemptions and reductions for EVs. As of the latest updates, EVs priced under the luxury car tax threshold are eligible for an FBT exemption, making them even more attractive for novated leases. This can lead to substantial tax savings for both employers and employees.

Other Tax Benefits

You may also be eligible for other tax deductions related to running costs, such as electricity for charging, maintenance, and insurance. These deductions can make owning and operating an EV even more cost-effective.

Calculating the Financial Benefits

Understanding the financial benefits of an EV novated lease involves comparing the costs and savings against traditional vehicle ownership.

Cost Comparison

EV leasing often involves lower running costs than a petrol or diesel vehicle. Savings on fuel, maintenance, and tax advantages can add up significantly over time. For example, electricity is generally cheaper than petrol, and EVs have fewer moving parts, reducing maintenance costs.

Tax Savings Calculation

Calculating potential tax savings can be complex, but the general process involves determining your gross salary packaging amount and the associated reduction in taxable income. Use online novated lease calculators to estimate savings based on your salary and your chosen EV model.

How to Choose the Right EV for Your Novated Lease

Selecting the right EV for your novated lease requires careful consideration of your needs and preferences.

Assess Your Needs

Evaluate your daily driving habits, including commute distance and charging options. A vehicle with a longer range, like a Tesla, may be suitable if you have a long daily commute. For shorter commutes, a Nissan Leaf or Hyundai Ioniq might be sufficient.

Research and Test Drive

Research different models online, read reviews, and compare specifications. Test driving multiple EVs can provide a hands-on understanding of their features, comfort, and driving dynamics. Dealerships often offer test drives that can help you make a final decision.

Consult with Experts

Leasing experts or financial advisors can provide valuable insights into the financial aspects of an EV novated lease. They can help you understand the tax implications and ensure that you maximise your savings.

Consider Future Trends

Stay informed about upcoming EV models and advancements in battery technology. Future releases may offer a better range, new features, or improved efficiency, which could influence your decision. Keeping an eye on industry trends can ensure that you make a forward-thinking choice.

Ready to experience the benefits of an EV novated lease? Contact Novated Finance Australia today to find the perfect electric vehicle for your needs and start saving on taxes and running costs. Drive green and save big with our tailored novated leasing solutions!

Frequently Asked Question

  • Electric vehicles typically have lower maintenance costs than traditional cars due to fewer moving parts and less frequent servicing requirements.

  • Yes, many novated lease packages allow you to include insurance costs, which can be paid with pre-tax dollars, offering additional savings.

  • The Australian government provides various incentives for EVs, including rebates, tax credits, and reduced FBT for novated leases.

  • A standard outlet or a dedicated EV charger can charge EVs at home. Additionally, there is a growing network of public charging stations across Australia.


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