Chattel Mortgage vs. Novated Lease: Best Financial Choice for Your Vehicle?

When financing your next vehicle, choosing between a chattel mortgage and a novated lease can seem like navigating a labyrinth. Both options offer unique benefits, but which one really delivers the better deal for your specific circumstances?

Understanding Chattel Mortgages

What is a Chattel Mortgage?

A chattel mortgage is a loan agreement where an individual or business can purchase a vehicle, and the vehicle itself serves as collateral for the loan. This method is particularly popular among business owners who use the vehicle predominantly for business purposes, as it offers several tax advantages.


  • Tax Benefits: Interest charges and depreciation can be tax-deductible.

  • Ownership: You own the vehicle outright from the start.

  • Flexibility: No strict kilometre limits.

Types of Chattel Mortgages

Standard Chattel Mortgage

The most common type, a standard chattel mortgage, involves a business purchasing a vehicle with funds provided by a lender. The vehicle serves as security for the loan. Upon purchase, the business immediately takes ownership of the vehicle and makes regular loan repayments. This arrangement benefits businesses that want to retain asset ownership while claiming tax deductions on interest charges and depreciation.

Balloon Payment Chattel Mortgage

This type of chattel mortgage includes a larger final payment, known as a balloon payment, at the end of the finance term. This setup lowers the regular monthly payments throughout the loan term, which can help businesses manage cash flow more effectively. At the end of the term, the business can choose to refinance the balloon amount, pay it in full, or trade in the vehicle.

Commercial Hire Purchase (CHP)

While similar to chattel mortgages, Commercial Hire Purchase agreements differ slightly in that the lender buys the vehicle and hires it out to the business over a fixed period. The business makes regular payments and only assumes ownership of the vehicle at the end of the agreement after all payments, including any balloon payment, are made. This benefits businesses that prefer to spread the cost of the vehicle over time.

Low Doc Chattel Mortgage

Designed for small businesses, self-employed individuals, or those with incomplete financial records, a low doc (low documentation) chattel mortgage simplifies approval by requiring fewer documents. This type benefits businesses that need a vehicle but may not have the comprehensive financial history typically required for loan approval.

Exploring Novated Leases

What is a Novated Lease?

A novated lease is a three-way agreement between an employee, an employer, and a finance company. The employer leases the vehicle on behalf of the employee, and salary packaging allows the lease costs to be deducted from the employee's pre-tax income, potentially lowering taxable income.


Types of Novated Lease

Companies typically offer two primary types of novated leases, with the choice of options being at the employer's discretion. In some cases, employers may not offer any novated lease options.

Fully-Managed Novated Lease

All operational expenses specified in the agreement are incorporated into the employee's salary package in a fully managed novated lease. Expenses covered under this plan typically include:

  • Monthly lease payments

  • Vehicle registration fees

  • Comprehensive vehicle insurance

  • Regular maintenance and servicing

  • Fuel and oil costs

  • Tire replacements

  • Accident insurance

  • Additional insurance policies

  • Fringe benefits tax

The leasing company handles these expenses directly, simplifying the process for the employee.

Self-Managed Novated Lease

This more streamlined option includes only the lease payment and relevant taxes in the employee's package. As a result, a smaller portion of the employee's pre-tax salary is deducted. However, the the employee must independently manage and pay for all vehicle operational costs. These costs generally include:

  • Insurance premiums

  • Fuel expenses

  • Tire replacement

  • Ongoing maintenance and repairs

This arrangement gives employees more control over their vehicle expenses, although it requires them to manage these costs directly.

Comparing Costs and Benefits

Cost Analysis

While both options can offer cost savings, the specifics depend heavily on your personal or business financial situation. Here's a breakdown:

Who Benefits More?

  • Business Use: A chattel mortgage usually offers more advantages due to the ownership structure and tax deductions if the vehicle is used primarily for business.

  • Personal Use: A novated lease could be more beneficial, especially if you are in a higher tax bracket.

Strategic Considerations

Choosing the right financing option involves more than just comparing costs. It includes:

  • Tax Implications: Understanding the tax implications of each option can save you money.

  • Cash Flow Impact: Assess how each option affects your or your business's cash flow.

  • Future Vehicle Needs: Consider how long you plan to keep the vehicle and your future needs.

Explore the benefits of novated leasing with Novated Finance Australia and drive your dream car while maximising your savings. To learn more about our tailored novated lease solutions, contact us now.

Frequently Asked Question

  • It depends on your situation. A chattel mortgage allows businesses to claim GST and depreciation, while a novated lease reduces taxable income through pre-tax deductions.

  • Switching directly between these two is not typically possible, but you can settle a chattel mortgage and enter into a novated lease agreement.


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