Benefits Of Novated Leasing
Here are some key advantages:
For Employees:
Tax Savings:
One of the primary benefits is the potential for tax savings. Novated leases allow employees to use
pre-tax income to pay for the lease, reducing their taxable income.
Cost Savings:
Employees can benefit from potential discounts on the purchase price of the vehicle, as novated
leasing often involves bulk purchasing by the leasing company.
Flexible Vehicle Choice:
Employees have the flexibility to choose the vehicle that best suits their needs, within the guidelines
set by the novated leasing provider.
Bundled Expenses:
Novated leases often include vehicle-related expenses such as fuel, maintenance, and insurance,
simplifying budgeting for employees.
Ownership Options:
At the end of the lease term, employees may have the option to purchase the vehicle, enter into a
new lease agreement or refinance the balloon and stay in the current vehicle for a determined
For Employers:
Employee Attraction and Retention:
Offering novated leasing as a benefit can enhance the overall compensation package, making the
company more attractive to potential employees and aiding in talent retention.
Minimal Administration:
The administrative burden on employers is generally lower with novated leasing, as many
administrative tasks are handled by the leasing provider.
No Residual Risk:
Unlike traditional vehicle ownership or financing arrangements, novated leasing transfers the
residual value risk to the employee or the leasing company, removing this responsibility from the
Flexible Benefit Provision:
Novated leasing allows employers to provide a valuable benefit without significant financial outlay,
as the costs are primarily borne by the employee through salary packaging.
Enhanced Employee Well-being:
Providing employees with the opportunity to access novated leasing can contribute to a positive
work environment and employee well-being, as it aligns with the evolving expectations of a modern
Positive Corporate Image:
Offering innovative and employee-friendly benefits like novated leasing can enhance the company’s
reputation and contribute to a positive corporate image.
For Both:
Novated leasing is transparent, with clear breakdowns of costs and responsibilities. This
transparency benefits both employees and employers, fostering a more trusting relationship.
Novated leasing arrangements can be personalised to meet the specific needs of employees,
providing a level of flexibility that traditional company car schemes may not offer.
Maintenance and Management Support:
Many novated leasing providers offer comprehensive maintenance and management services,
reducing the hassle for both employees and employers.
In summary, novated leasing in Australia presents a win-win situation for employees and employers,
offering financial advantages, flexibility, and a streamlined approach to vehicle ownership and usage.